Is there anyone out there?


I wasn’t sure if anyone would turn up. Looks like you’re the first but there’s no prize for that, sorry. Please feel free to have a look around. You may find something of interest then again, you may not. Perhaps I should introduce myself; my name is Kurt and this is my website.

What do I do? The tyranny of the job, the occupation, the profession. Defined by how you earn a crust. I once stole a living designing for print (and sometime the web) for over 40 years yet I don’t describe myself as a semi-retired graphic designer. There’s so much else to be: a perpetual student; a painter of pictures; a taker of photos and a maker of videos; a grower of vegetables; a rider of bicycles; a stand-up paddler; an occasional long-haul adventurer and frequent day-tripper. I am all of these things some of the time and some of these things most of the time.

I have been other things throughout my surprisingly long life which I may, one day, write about. That’s what I do now. I write stuff: opinions; diaries; essays; poetry; stories and tall tales. I make things up. I tell lies. I tell truths. I often don’t know the difference.


A page of writing; short stories, poetry, random ideas, total nonsense and exploratory meanderings.


Ignoring all the advice with a shameful carbon footprint; last minute long-haul flights of fancy.


Some days you just have to get away from the usual day-to-day tedium and see somewhere else.


This is where you'll find the wonderfully random things you didn't even know you were looking for.
